

  1. Sandra on May 2, 2020 at 12:43 pm

    My husband and I feel as if two fish have been swimming with sharks and have finally been rescued by Yeshua Himself. What a Journey ❤️ It’s been going back to our Jewish roots.
    Baruch Haba Beshem Adonai

  2. Aaron on May 22, 2020 at 7:26 am

    Rabbi Shapira and Ahavat Ammi,

    I just want to express my family’s deepest heartfelt thanks to Adonai and you for your obedience, chesed, and work that you have poured into the past several months with the online synagogue and all of the publications you have graciously given to us. Praise be to the Lord! You see, we are a messianic gentile family that lives in North Carolina without a local messianic synagogue nearby. We’ve been learning Torah for about 7 or 8 years along with another small group of messianic gentile believers as we meet for a weekly Torah study.

    We have been blessed by your virtual synagogue and all of the teachings. Ahavat Ammi has and will continue to receive our prayers and monetary support as we learn how to attach and grab hold of your tzitzit. We love you and pray Yeshua to continue to bless Ahavat Ammi and look for to The Night of the Bride.

    Shalom in Yeshua!


    • Sandra on May 28, 2020 at 10:36 pm

      Aaron (and families in NC), my parents and I feel just as you! We have been learning Torah for close to ten years now and are so blessed by the virtual synagogue as well!

      What a blessing to know that though alone, we are not alone!
      Baruch HaShem!

  3. Maria Elena Valbuena on May 22, 2020 at 10:26 am

    Muchas gracias a todos los que han colaborado para darnos tan precioso material y especialmente a usted Rabino Shapira que Hashem le siga dando luz para traer a muchos a las raíces judas de la fe. todah rava

  4. Letícia dos Reis Kuhn dos Santos on May 22, 2020 at 12:00 pm

    Shalom à todos da Yeshiva Shuvu, Shalom Rabi Shapira e Rosh Tzadok Ben Derech!!!
    Com muita alegria em meu coração quero agradecer à Hashem, rei do Universo pela vida dos senhores e de todos que estão trabalhando para esse grande evento. Eu e minha família somos de Não-Me-Toque Rio Grande do Sul e sempre estamos acompanhando seus vídeos, minha mãe orou muito por isso, por que estávamos como ovelhas desgarradas, sem congregação e sem pastor, mas o Eterno Yeshua é o nosso bom pastor e ouviu as orações de minha mãe Iraci. Agora todos os Shabat nos reunimos com alegria e muita sede para assistir os ensinamentos do querido e amado Tzadok e sua esposa Vanessa. Quero que vcs possam sentir meu carinho e gratidão nessas palavras e que sintam-se mui abraçados por mim e por minha família. Que o Eterno os abençoe poderosamente em nome de Yeshua HaMashiach, Amen v Amen…Shalom em Yeshua.

    • Tsadok on May 24, 2020 at 8:42 pm

      Que HaShem abençoe em abundância sua você e sua família!

  5. Billy Chandra on May 23, 2020 at 9:32 pm

    Thank you for this opportunity. All the best for Operation Geulah.

    Baruch HaShem.

    • Winson on May 20, 2021 at 12:39 am

      Baruch HaShem !

  6. Carlos Borges on May 23, 2020 at 9:44 pm

    Shalom! I’m a new subscriber to your channel, HaShem has bless me through the words of the Rabbi Shapira and the others but my concern is that one’s you stop streaming i will not get the bread of life through the jewish teachings, please keep streaming the Shabbat shiur don’t stop.

  7. Maicon rosa muniz on May 24, 2020 at 7:49 pm

    Shalom,sou atualmente cristao mas atraves dos irmaos o Eterno tem me revelado a verdade e em breve irei me tornar um judeu nazareno e adorar com os irmaos,que hashem os abençoem em nome de yeshua hamashia,amem.

  8. Gamliel ben Mordekhai (Ben Immanuel) on May 25, 2020 at 5:27 pm

    Uma obra fantástica! Primeira tradução do tratado de Bikurim para a língua portuguesa e ainda é muito bem comentado! A megilat Rut está perfeita e muito bem explicada por evidentes eruditos! O que mais gostei foi do Tikun e dos belíssimos comentários da liturgia. Respeita a halachá quanto às preces e ainda mostra as conexões com o Rebbe Yeshua! B’H pela vida do Rav Shapira, B’H pela vida do rosh Tsadok e por todos os colaboradores desta obra fenomenal! Tenho certeza que irá impactar a vida daqueles que são piedosos com sua avodat HaShem e com o cumprimento de Torá e mitsvot. Possa HaShem recompensá-los por este magnífico trabalho!

  9. k.jyothi on May 26, 2020 at 11:13 am

    praise Hashem,
    I am so thankful and bless AHAVAT AMMI in the name of YESHUA HA MASHIACH.
    for the effort to bring back the nations into Jewish roots of faith.

  10. Neville Ross Sealy on May 27, 2020 at 10:01 am

    Pastor Tom… Sooo good to see you still being the Apostolic Minister you are in “Deed”, not just title – Putting in Place God’s critical Foundations In Christ & By the Holy Spirit’s Enablement, for Such a Time As This!
    Much Love in Christ, Neville & Gaynor Sealy.
    P. S. Please give your Beloved a “BIG” hug from us!

  11. Pavoncelli on May 27, 2020 at 4:34 pm

    Je suis un gentil evangeliste par la grâce de notre KADOSH KADOSH KADOSH ADONAÏ ELOHIM sans savoir le pourquoi nous avons assisté à une assemblée gentil et messianique nous rendions visite à chaque église qui est venue à l’assemblée cet jour là je visite une église messianique je me suis senti heureux je continue à faire le shabbat avec mes frères et sœurs YESHUA M’A APPELÉ MAINTENANT JE TROUVE LA VRAIS TORAH ÊTRE DANS LE GENTIL ME FAIT SENTIR ÉTRANGER IL M’ONT ÉLOIGNÉ IL M’IGNORENT je me battre pour leur ouvrir leurs yeux leurs cœur que nous appartenons à la terre d’Israël la terre de notre YESHUA NOTRE SAUVEUR. Même gentil nous ne pouvons pas suivre le calendrier grégorien si il ne m’écoute pas notre KADOSH KADOSH KADOSH ADONAÏ ELOHIM M’APPELLE À SON ÉGLISE MESSIANIQUE

  12. HELENA MUSANDU on May 27, 2020 at 5:00 pm

    It was an honour to connect and witness the work of God. 3 weeks ago I had a burning in my hear to learn the Lord’s Prayer in Hebrew it has been a journey but I’m getting there by God’s grace and Holy Spirit Revelation. I will definitely watch the Night of the Bride. Looking forward to the night. Helena-Gaborone-Botswana

  13. HELENA MUSANDU on May 27, 2020 at 5:07 pm

    Thank you for doing great work for the Kingdom. I’m based in Botswana But I’m from Mozambique. I’m in Botswana for work. I will definitely connect on Friday.

  14. Yamile Morales Toledo on May 29, 2020 at 9:34 am

    Hermosa, La Noche de la Novia, material que nos ha llegado gracias al amor por su pueblo, HaShem y bendice en gran manera a todos los que intervinieron en la elaboración de este precioso documento. Me gozo en ti Padre Eterno, cuán bueno eres al darnos a conocer al Rabino Shapira y hacerme parte de esta preciosa Yeshivat Shuvu. Gracias, gracias, gracias….. Los bendigo en el nombre de Yeshúa, amén, amén.

  15. Dylan-Dirac Nintunze on May 29, 2020 at 2:28 pm

    Shalom dear friends,

    I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the people who gave their best to make this night of the bride unique in the whole history of the world. Now, I really have a strong conviction that Adonai is surely present in our lives and that, most importantly, he always needs our first step and he will sure bless the work of our hands, if it is according to his ill.

    Again, Thank you very much Ahavat Ammi Ministries, Yeshivat Shuvu, Kosher Pastor and all of the people, behind the scenes, who gave their best to the LORD Yireh in order for him to provide all the resources in his miraculous ways.

    May Adonai bless you all!

    • Rev Moses Chikowore on May 30, 2020 at 12:14 am

      Thanks very much for your time and consideration in this wonderful ministry of the Almighty God. It’s a great opportunity for me to join your team and be part of your family. You are doing great work

  16. Rev Moses Chikowore on May 30, 2020 at 12:19 am

    To the Almighty God be the glory for ever and ever and mercies of the Almighty God bless you all

  17. Miriam on May 30, 2020 at 10:42 am

    tengo un aporte en general para los mensajes en español y otros idiomas basados en el latín. Si se fijan en 》Hechos 14:13《 en una biblia intelineal, aparece el término Διὸς en el texto griego bien legible para el jefe de los D. griegos.
    En mi opinión deberíamos dejar de usar ese término para referirnos al Eterno. Busquemos mejores términos

  18. Yishai on May 30, 2020 at 4:08 pm

    I noticed you have the download in 13 languages. You seem to have forgotten Hebrew.

  19. Mercy Maxwell on May 30, 2020 at 7:26 pm

    Excellent event! Excellent! Everyone on the panel of this event represented King Mashiach as our Beloved Groom with utmost excellence to HaShem, Israel and the world! May we all now represent our self corporately to Him as His beautiful Bride. May we all continue to Tikkun while waiting for Yeshua’s soon return. Yom Huledet Sameach b’rachah Rabbi Shapira, and Toda Rabah to you, your bride, son Noach and to all who made this event Excellent!

    Shavua Tov. Shalom Aleichem.

  20. Claudia Roomes on May 31, 2020 at 7:06 pm

    The Night of the Bride was the turning point to what’s happening in our world today. This amazing project brought hope, courage, and strength. The hope that Yeshua brings and the strength He provides, and the courage He gives the wonderful leaders of Ahavat Ammi Ministries is outstanding. So blessed to see it all come to the pinnacle of Shavuot. Thank you Rabbi Shapira for your leadership and guidance to see the hope, strength, and courage our Messiah brings us in our generation.

  21. 염지혜 on June 6, 2020 at 9:24 am

    한국에서 샤브옷을 지켰습니다
    여호와의 절기에 유대인과 하나가 되어 절기에 들어가게 하심에 감사드립니다
    신부로서 예슈아의 재림을 기다리며 토라속에 더 빠져들고 유대인과 온전히 하나되기 원합니다

  22. Julius Ayub Mbagaya on May 9, 2021 at 6:13 pm

    I need you to come and speak in Kenya during Passover 2022.

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